Let’s Meet The Corporate Trainer Who Just Celebrated One Year With Kelly Global, Kristina Galiotto
Kristina Galiotto is a Corporate Trainer here at Kelly Global Consultants who recently passed the one year mark as a member of our team. A journey that started in March of 2020, Galiotto never intended to work in the sales world, and yet, here she is! Born and raised in Yonkers, New York, Galiotto once dreamt of becoming a doctor. She even went on to study biology at St. John’s University after graduating from high school.
With a stellar work ethic and a competitive drive that she would call “slightly higher than average,” Kristina Galiotto is no stranger to hard work and determination. A student of martial arts for nearly eight years of her life, Galiotto attributes her discipline to her time as a dedicated athlete. That said, Galiotto is also no stranger to growth and change. “This career has allowed me to break out of my comfort zone and learn to speak with anyone. I was not naturally gifted at sales, interviewing, or training. All of those skills took time and practice to master, and I continue to hone these abilities on a daily basis.”
Passionate about helping others, Galiotto became a stellar trainer almost instantly. She has those special qualities that make an influential recruiter; a genuine care for others and a deep desire to share opportunities.
Natural abilities and love for the job are not always enough, especially when you’re working against a global pandemic. Galiotto was instrumental in keeping the Kelly Global Consultants team afloat during 2020, and without her, things would look very different today. “I started a week before lockdown,” says Galiotto, “my initial goal was to be promoted by August of 2020, but COVID had other plans. I had to pivot and push that goal to summer 2021, which was disappointing, but necessary. I’m looking forward to meeting that opportunity with a fresh mindset and a wealth of experience, and I am confident that 2021 will bring greatness for the entire Kelly Global team.”
“The best thing about this industry is that anyone can be their own boss. You come into work each day and you know that what you do right now will translate to your future. By continuing to work and staying motivated, my future becomes clearer and more assured by the minute.”
If it’s up to Kristina Galiotto, the next five years will bring a cross country move and a continuation of her current success, but what is success? To this leader, success is not tied to a dollar. “It doesn’t matter where someone is born, their level of education, or the amount of money in their account,” says Galiotto, “what matters in the end are the memories and experiences you walk away with.” Memories and experience, that’s the kind of success Galiotto is looking for, a six figure salary is just a perk.